About Me

Note from Maria: I am a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Public Health Degree in Nutrition from UNC at Chapel Hill. I have a passion for helping people with nutrition & wellness, especially moms. Women & moms provide care for everyone else often at the expense of considering their own needs. I hope to provide good resources to you to help you make nutrition and wellness a priority.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Treats.....

Here are some ideas to have fun with food to celebrate Halloween: Clementine "pumpkin", mummy pizzas and finger food veggie dip.....all of these were super easy: hummus with carrots, clementine with a pretzel stick, whole wheat English muffin with pizza sauce, string cheese torn into strips and a couple of black olives, bake at 350F until cheese is melted. 

I got these ideas from the following website. Here is the link if you would to see their other great suggestions:


For a sweeter treat, I used cookie cutters to cut out slices of whole wheat bread and frosted with cream cheese or pumpkin cream cheese. I used raisins and chocolate chips to decorate. Halloween doesn't have to be a nutrition nightmare. On the actual day, a enjoy some traditional treats. The day after, have your kids pick out a few pieces of their favorite candy for occasional treats and  "buy" back the rest for a few bucks. Happily dispose of the remaining candy in the trash.


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