About Me

Note from Maria: I am a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Public Health Degree in Nutrition from UNC at Chapel Hill. I have a passion for helping people with nutrition & wellness, especially moms. Women & moms provide care for everyone else often at the expense of considering their own needs. I hope to provide good resources to you to help you make nutrition and wellness a priority.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Volunteer for a cause you love....

I get a great sense of satisfaction when I help someone else, especially someone who really appreciates it. Finding a cause you are passionate about and volunteering time, even if it is just a couple hours of month, can be extremely rewarding.

There are all kinds of great ways to volunteer your time, here are some suggestions:
  • Local hospitals, long term care and nursing homes
  • Check out the United Way
  • If you love art, check out community centers that might want a class offered to kids who cannot afford to pay. You can do the same with any other passion that you have sports, hobbies, etc.
  • If you like walking/running, etc. Find a walk or race that raises money for a cause you care about and sign up as a volunteer.
  • Check on an older neighbor and see if they need any help
  • Bake muffins and deliver them to the fire fighters at your the local fire department. 
  • Sponsor a solider overseas and send them a care package.
  • If you like to build, volunteer for Habitat for Humanity
  • Ask your church about families who might need help
  • If you are an animal lover, inquire at a local pet shelter for opportunities
  • Bring toiletries and gently used clothes to a women's shelter such as InterAct  http://interactofwake.org/
  • Great places in the Raleigh area to volunteer: 
    • My favorite, Rex Hospital 
    • Inter-Faith Food Shuttle. Call in advance, but it isn't hard to find opportunities here! They allow children to help too, great for them to experience! http://foodshuttle.org/
    • Meals on Wheels  http://wakemow.org/

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