About Me

Note from Maria: I am a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Public Health Degree in Nutrition from UNC at Chapel Hill. I have a passion for helping people with nutrition & wellness, especially moms. Women & moms provide care for everyone else often at the expense of considering their own needs. I hope to provide good resources to you to help you make nutrition and wellness a priority.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Soda is the answer......

Before you get too excited, lets hear what the question was......Over the holidays when visiting with my niece, she asked me, "If there was one food you could eliminate from the earth to help with everyone's nutrition what would it be?" It didn't take me long to come up with "SODA". The next time you get a chance, read the ingredient label on soda. This is especially entertaining if you are looking at diet soda. Is there anything in soda that is good for you, does this sound like food or something you should be pouring into your body everyday? "NO!" Drinking regular soda is an easy way to fill up on a ton of extra calories from sugar. If you drink diet, you are not getting calories, but you are drinking a lot of chemicals everyday that have no nutrition value. Studies show people who switch to diet soda to save calories generally do not lose weight. No one knows exactly why, but this may be because the intense sweetness of the artificial sweeteners keeps you craving sugar/sweets.

If you are looking to make a change in the new year, try to get rid of the soda. Spend the soda money on some fruits and veggies instead!

Merry Christmas!!

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