About Me

Note from Maria: I am a Registered Dietitian with a Master of Public Health Degree in Nutrition from UNC at Chapel Hill. I have a passion for helping people with nutrition & wellness, especially moms. Women & moms provide care for everyone else often at the expense of considering their own needs. I hope to provide good resources to you to help you make nutrition and wellness a priority.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Natural Ways to Control Weeds

Ok, so not a glamours topic, but have you ever read the label on common herbicides? With all those warnings, does it sound like stuff we want to be exposed to? Yet we spray them randomly all over our yards without protective gear and then allow our children to play in the grass we have covered with these chemicals. If you have never read a label, here is one example from a common herbicide:

Notice the protective gear recommended, I see most people spraying their yards in shorts and flip flops. Chemicals that hit your skin can be absorbed into your body. Instead of striving to have the perfect yard via a chemicals, strive to protect your family, our soil and our water supply by easing up on the chemicals.Here are some ideas on ways to control the pesty weeds without chemicals. I do not claim to be an expert on this...but here is info I have learned:
  • Actually go outside with your family and pull your weeds from the roots, this is good for your lawn and gives you some exercise. Pulling weeds before they flower, apparently is the helps to to prevent them from spreading. 
  • In areas such as driveways where you have weeds growing in cracks, try pouring very concentrated salt water or boiling water over the weeds. Don't use salt water in areas where you would like to grow other plants, because the residual salt will make this difficult. 
  • Try spraying weeds with vinegar (acetic acid) especially on a hot day because the heat helps the vinegar kill the weeds. 
Here is some additional information from the NC extention office: http://pamlico.ces.ncsu.edu/2013/03/nine-tips-for-chemical-free-home-weed-control/

Here is some more info from webmd:

It is supposed to warm up (finally) and be beautiful weekend, so if you work in your yard, please consider trying some of these methods to control weeds.

Stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. Love this, Maria! Minimizing chemical exposure has always been a strange passion of mine, haha. Now if only I could garden well enough to care about pulling weeds...
